House-preneurs…the Newest Wave of Clientele

There is no secret that things have changed in our economy. From mere millionaires becoming billionaires during a global pandemic, to workers not wanting to return to their jobs. While this may be a daunting task for present-day employers, this is a great opportunity for people who have had dreams of entrepreneurship. And if there is anything the pandemic has taught us, is that working from home is the new demand in today’s workforce. This new happening is the spark of a new wave of kinds of businesses both B2B and B2C, known as house-preneurs.

House-preneurs (or home-based entrepreneurs) have become increasingly popular within American society. No doubt due to the PPP loans, stimulus checks, and state-to-state unemployment benefits, many Americans have taken the leap of faith in business ownership and it has been more than exciting! With nearly 400,000 small businesses having closed due to the pandemic, this is a great opportunity to infuse the economy with new innovative business practices, products, and services. This new wave of house-preneurs is also prime opportunity for service providers to market their various services to. The demand for clients for many companies has increased as demand for certain services has shifted; however, companies will do well by monitoring this new wave.

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